Description : We provide not only system app remover, but also user app uninstaller, move app to sdcard, move app to phone, apk on sdcard scan/install/delete, rooting guide help.
[System app]
Note: uninstall system app need root permission .
Compare to other similar products, System app remover :
- Safe, we filter out all apps that may cause unstable after uninstalled, and had tested hundreds of devices, so you can use it safely, but we can not make sure 100% safe because of manufacturers may customized too much, also, we backup all app you uninstalled automatic, so you can restore them in Recycle Bin whenever you need;
- Clear, we classify all system app as [Could remove], [Should keep], [Key module], so you can choose what app to uninstall clearly.
- Easy, we provide you a way to uninstall multi app in one time, make you easy to go.
- Small, we release all memory allocated while app exit, and may the smallest app.
[ Move to SDcard]
If we granted root permission, we can move multi-app in one
click, and can move almost all apps installed.
Move apps to SD card
- Move apps to phone internal storage
- Sort app by movable, name, size and time
- User can custom [Install time] [Package name] [Apk path] to show in list
- Show app details: size, install time, package, apk path.
- Open app
- Search in market
- Search in website by apk name, package name, app name
[Apk manager]
- Scan all APKs in SD card
- Install APK
- Search APK
- Batch rename APK's filename
- Batch Move APKs to directory
- Search and delete all duplicate APKs in one click
- User can custom [time] [Package name] [Apk path] to show in list
- Show apk details: size, package, apk path.
- Search in market
- Search in website by apk name, package name, app name.
[User app]
- Uninstall multi-app in one click.
- Backup & restore apps.
- Scan all apks in sdcard.
- Search apps in local, in market and in website.
- User can custom [Install time] [Package name] [Apk path] to show in list;
- User app backup directory can be configured in settings;
- Show app details: size, install time, package, apk path.
- Open app
- Search in market
- Search in website by apk name, package name, app name.
You can get the app here :-
Required Root
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